Progress/Admin/May 2004
Current status
- Meeting with TUUG to discuss technical matters on Friday 16-04-2004
16:00 in Palatsi (Wolf + Anders)
- Decided to contact University computing centers about the commercial machines they provide Internet-access to. Perhaps they will let the TUUG/L-A server be hosted the same way. Hopefully through sponsorship so we don’t need to pay any fee.
- Tuug board excited about cooperation
- Concerns about L-A name, but Wolf explained we are inclusive of all FLOSS not just Linux, but also the BSD’s and such.
- Tuug lacks new blood, and they will develop activities to find it
- Tuug has money to pay for its own hosting and such
- Cooperation with the TUUG sauna-evening in the beginning of next academic year
High priority Todo
- Installation of two remaining CMS’s for review (Plone, Mambo), Anders helps with Mambo. Takes about 2 weeks
- Talk with Anders to clarify responsibilities, in 2 weeks another admin meeting
- Change registered snail-mail address at Domainkeskus to our post office box
- Migrate Turkuuse list to mailman
- Domain-name registrations, Anders will talk with Euronic oy about a possible sponsorship. Otherwise we will go with Sange
Medium priority todo
- Upgrade server (Done)
- Create upgrade logs
- Finish archive work
- make prettier
- Add forwarders for links on list-admin pages
- Server location, current situation is uncertain, discuss options with TUUG
Low priority todo
- Create backup plan
- Upgrade Jabber server to version 2.0 -> awaits availability of Debian packages
- Install protocol forwarders on Jabber server
- Improve Admin-request page -> awaits new CMS
- Improve/implement scripts:
- Add -> accomodate new CMS (currently takes care of Twiki, HTAccess, email-alias, list-memberships, jabber-id, sends email about new accounts)
- Remove -> doesn’t exist yet
- Backup -> refuses incremental backups
- List/Search -> search for user
- Change list-server to enemy of carlotta -> awaits new feature for global config
Ideas and other topics
- Jabber PHP scripts
- Content migration to new CMS will be done by hand. The other option would be to write a twiki parser and convert automatically. Doing it by hand once is seen as the better option.